
Our Story

The Brainwave
Late in 2004, Glen Jensen had an idea, a moment of pure inspiration.
Glen is what you might call a visionary. Over 18 years in the network marketing industry working his way up from customer service through international sales to the executive suite Glen has always had a sense for what people want and how they want to get it. He turns new concepts and strategies over in his mind, finding better ways to do things. And as he lay awake in the wee hours of a chilly November morning back in 2004, he began thinking about...gel.

Athletes use gels to pound carbs right before competition or in the middle of a race. What if anyone could pound nutritional supplements in the same way when it's most convenient for them? Could a highly accessible delivery system like the one athletes use be versatile enough to work with other consumable products?

The answer launched a powerful new delivery mechanism called Suspension Gel Technology.

3400 N Ashton Blvd., Suite 500
Lehi, UT 84043

Tel. 801.806.4200
Fax 801.802.0653

Customer Service e-mail:

Melbourne Tel. 03 9018 6516
Canberra Tel. 02 6100 4013
Sydney Tel. 02 8011 4856
Brisbane Tel. 07 3102 3560
Adelaide Tel. 08 8121 4352
Perth Tel. 08 9467 4261
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