Apriori Beauty Opportunity
Apriori Beauty Opportunity

Creating a compensation plan from scratch definitely has its advantages. We started with our wish list, then hired a very talented, experienced and passionate industry expert to design our plan. She was asked to design a plan that was realistic, simple and sustainable:
1. Realistic
2. Simple
3. Sustainable

As your team grows, you will also get paid on your downline's ongoing sales volume.
Receive Downline Production Bonuses on all activity (minus each new Consultant's & new Client's initial order), 3 levels deep:

* 8% bonus paid on the PBV of each of your Consultants on L1
* 8% bonus paid on the PBV of each of your Consultants on L2
* 8% bonus paid on the PBV of each of your Consultants on L3
Visit the web site to learn more.
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