Body Wise International Opportunity

Body Wise International Opportunity


Our Industry
More people than ever prefer shopping through direct selling. Did you know 74 percent of Americans have purchased goods or services through direct sales? In the last decade, direct selling industry sales, also known as network marketing, have more than doubled to more than $30 billion domestically, and have surpassed $100 billion sales worldwide.

There are more than 14 million sales people sharing their products, talking with people one-on-one and small groups in their homes. One of the great assets of network marketing is building relationships.

Choose Network Marketing
Network marketing is a form of marketing or a distribution system which channels goods or services from the manufacturer to the consumer through a network of independent consultants. It is an effective system that cuts out the “middlemen“ found in most industries.

Image of drawers in the sky Traditional marketing moves products from the manufacturer to wholesalers, warehousers, shippers, advertisers and retailers before ever reaching the consumer. In network marketing, all of these “middlemen,“ including the advertisers, are replaced with independent consultants who distribute the same products throughout their own network of customers. This method allows direct selling companies to bring higher quality products to consumers at a lower cost.

Network marketing uses the dollars that leading retailers use on advertising to reward individuals for “word-of-mouth“ promotion. The product quality and service is often much higher than standard retail brands because network marketing relies on developing and maintaining relationships with people you can trust. After all, you have to believe in a product if you are going to personally recommend it to a friend!

Please visit the website for more information.

U.S. Corporate office:
17101 Armstrong Ave
Suite 101
Irvine, CA 92614

U.S. Customer Care:
714-368-1210 - FAX

Canada Customer Care:
905-731-9119 - FAX


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