Ho Math & Chess Learning Centre Franchise
Ho Math & Chess Learning Centre Franchise

Frank Ho, a Canadian certified math teacher, coined the learning centre term Math and Chess and he also founded the world's first math and chess learning centre by creating the world's first math and chess integrated workbooks for elementary students in Vancouver, Canada. He invented Frankho Symbolic Chess Language, intriguing Frankho Chess Maze, and also an unique new chess teaching set. He published math and chess teaching theoretic basis in a Canadian math journal. The USA Illinois research data has shown statistically significant that Ho Math and Chess teaching method increases children's math marks and also improves children's critical thinking skills. The Ho Math and Chess Teaching Set can improve children's memory by playing half-blind chess. Today Ho Math and Chess is an international iconic brand and is the world authority on the unique math and chess integrated teaching method with over 30 research papers published and over 15 workbooks produced using proprietary Frankho Geometry Chess Symbol (patents applied), Frankho Chess Mazes, and the innovative Ho Math and Chess Teaching Set. Ho Math and Chess offers one-of-its-kind and unique 5 subjects in 1 program, namely, math, IQ chess, mazes, puzzles, and brainpower improvement by paying only one fee.

Please visit the website for more information.

Headquarters Address:
Room # 4 (Note, not 6)
2265 West 41st (Yew & West 41st)
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Phone: 1-604-263-4321

Email: mathandchess@telus.net
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