Home Business Idea- Proofreading Career

Home Business Idea- Proofreading Career

The work at home trend has produced many options for women who want to spend more time with their family. But the fact is that a lot of these options require you to do at least a small part of the work away from home. There are, however, some exceptions. One of those is a proofreading career.

Advertising your services online and in publications can provide you with work. That work can be done in the comfort of your home, on your computer. In most cases, the work can be transmitted electronically, eliminating the need to mail or delivery of the finished product.

Proofreading and editing do not require a specific degree. While many publishers that hire on-site editors require a college degree, most freelance work does not. Gaining clients and demonstrating the knowledge and ability to produce quality work can help convince new clients that you are worthy of the job. Even large clients will often consider experience in lieu of a degree.

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