Starting a Tutoring Business

Starting a Tutoring Business

Getting Started
I enjoy teaching and would like to start a tutoring business in my home. I have about $20 to invest in this. I would like to tutor reading and basic math skills. Can you give me tips on how to get started?

Starting and Staying in Business
If you are friends with any schoolteachers, let them know of your service and ask them to please recommend you to parents. Make a flyer advertising your services, and at the bottom, type your name, service and phone number vertically in about ten repeating columns. Cut these columns vertically, part way up the page. These strips can now be torn off and taken by interested parties. Post these flyers in libraries, laundromats, supermarkets, or ask permission to post them at schools.

If you are a credentialed teacher, be sure to spotlight that in your ad. If not, you need to sell yourself. What special skills and abilities are you bringing to the table? Be sure to make your flyer very professional looking. Lay it out neatly on a computer. If you don't have a computer, have a friend do it for you. Carefully proofread and make sure your grammar and spelling are impeccable. If you're advertising your tutoring ability, even in math, you want to be as correct as possible. Errors won't get you many clients!

Please visit the website for the entire article.

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