SwissJust: Home Based Direct Sales of Swiss Natural Products
SwissJust: Home Based Direct Sales of Swiss Natural Products

"To provide the beneficial effects of nature to millions of homes by means of a progressive and committed organization, filled with opportunities for professional development and personal growth."

In 1930, from a small village nestled deep within the Swiss Alps, Ulrich J�strich started a company with a natural approach to well-being and health using the beneficial effects of nature in harmony with the human body. Years later, this small company would earn worldwide prestige and today Just products have gone far beyond the Swiss borders and are now sold in more than 35 countries around the world, and since 2003 in the USA.


Just understands that nature and the human body are perfect systems that are affected by external factors such as our lifestyle, stress, artificial chemicals and diet. Through observation and experimentation, we can discover in nature solutions to bring ourselves back into harmony and balance, to soothe our body and stimulate physical and emotional well-being.

By studying medicinal herbs and plants along with the ancient therapies related to them, Just has rediscovered in them the sources of pleasure and health. By doing this, solutions that help to alleviate everyday aches and pains and stimulate and revitalize the body's senses were found. These solutions enrich today�s modern-day medicine and improve the lives of millions of satisfied Just customers around the world.


Essential oils and natural extracts are the �soul� of a plant, possessing tremendous power and energy. As a rule of thumb, it generally requires between one and ten tons of flowers or plants to produce slightly more than a liter of essential botanical oil. For medicinal purposes, these oils may be used in their purest and most concentrated forms; however, most common uses require a diluted or blended product using other natural "carriers" in forms such as lotions, creams, salts or bath essences.

Just offers a broad range of products based on these essential oils and natural extracts. In addition to pure, undiluted essential oils for use in concentrated application such as aromatherapy, Just blends and applies these oils in products that can be grouped into the following 3 families according to their usage:

Emotional Well-Being - these products are designed to promote a general feeling of revitalization, energy, peace, harmony, relaxation and well-being by influencing moods and emotions using powerful aromas and textures.
Physical Well-Being - these products are designed to promote physical health, strength and well-being by helping to alleviate tension and discomfort caused by a variety of physical concerns such as muscular and joint discomfort, respiratory, circulatory and feminine challenges and immune system and digestive disorders.
Dermocosmetic Well-Being - these products are designed to promote the health and appearance of the skin, meeting basic skincare needs of the body, face, hands, feet and hair.

Please visit the website for more information.

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