Telecommuting Jobs
Telecommuting Jobs
The Telecommuting Jobs website has been serving TeleCommuters and their employers since 1996 and has regularly received awards for those services. Our references are the job seekers who find the employment they are seeking here, the employers who hire the talent they need, and the over 1,000 websites who send their viewers to us because of our attention to posting real jobs and providing the services that help job seekers get the job and help employers profit by hiring TeleCommuters

Providing the resources to bring TeleCommuters and employers closer in trust. That's the job the Telecommuting Jobs website has taken on. To increase the trust across those miles of separation, we provide:

* Live InterViewer -- employers, know your next TeleCommuter hire will be the best one out there for the job. Where Applicants show you they can do the job!
* Team-Ups -- Provides employers with the latest info on TeleCommuter collaboration tools
* Online Resume & TeleCommuter Office � Shows employers job seekers equipped for their jobs their your skills and experience -- and professional TeleCommuter Office.
* Applicant Screening Tools -- Helps employers Eye-dentify the best TeleCommuter match for their jobs
* Application Resume Sharpener -- helps job seekers tailor their job applications to land outside-the-office jobs
* TeleCommuter Certification � TeleCommuter Certification proves to Employers that you're the one ready to work from home
* Salary Guide -- Interactive calculator eases salary negotiation
* Free Tech Magazines -- Keeps TeleCommuters at the top of their job
* TryMT -- Gives job seekers a taste of Medical Transcription to see if it's the work at home job for them
* Educational Surveys -- Brings out the needs of TeleCommuters and employers
* Open the Virtual Expressway -- Gives viewers a way to influence public officials to offer employers incentives to increase the number of TeleCommuting jobs

It's more than getting job seekers jobs...and employers TeleCommuters they can rely on. TeleCommuting must become a viable alternative workforce to provide its benefits to society of: helping to control traffic stress, pollution, congestion, and road construction costs; controlling burdensome business overhead office space costs; and providing children with at least one parent at home.

To reap all the benefits of TeleCommuting does require some small calculated risks. The risk for the TeleCommuter is the possibility of not being paid for work. The amount of that risk can be limited by initially completing a small amount of work and not doing any additional work until paid for it. This also works to limit the employer�s risk of hiring someone who really doesn�t have the necessary skills for the job.

In our 13 years of operation, we have experienced very few instances where TeleCommuters had a problem being paid, and, though not involved in employment negotiations, we helped resolve most of the issues.

What fuels TeleCommuting? Jobs! The more TeleCommuters make a hit with employers, the more TeleCommuter jobs there'll be. We must find as many jobs as possible so more TeleCommuters can get to prove themselves to more employers � creating more success stories.

Posting real jobs takes real work. The state of the Internet environment today requires personal examination of jobs prior to posting. Our staff screens all job listings based on 13 years of experience posting TeleCommuting jobs. All jobs that trigger pastexperience with companies requiring payment for jobs, selling products or services, or are business opportunities are not posted.

BBB AccreditationAnd all responses to job seekers' Online Resumes are also screened before forwarding them to the job seeker. Although screening of jobs and resume responses is conducted, Job Seekers still have to use their best judgement in applying for or accepting positions.

For those efforts, we are one of only a few work at home job search sites accredited by the Better Business Bureau. Our reliability report.

Our main job category listings post and link to selected jobs. Our job listing pages carry screened employer-posted jobs and links to jobs on company websites and major job search sites. To maintain a high quality hiring experience for employers, it is necessary for job seekers to only apply for jobs they are qualified for. If employers receive many unqualified responses, valuable employers and TeleCommuting jobs can be lost.

Timeliness of Job Postings. New Job listings are posted each day. The first jobs listed in each category are the most current. Not all job categories get new jobs at the same frequency. Job listings are checked for currency. Companies who employ TeleCommuters on an ongoing basis are allowed to run listings on a long-term basis. The hope is that many more companies employ TeleCommuters on an ongoing basis as they gain more experience working with TeleCommuters.

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