Things You Should Know Before Starting an Upholstery Business
Things You Should Know Before Starting an Upholstery Business
August 19, 2009
By Emma S.

Understanding the Ups and Downs of Upholstery
If you've ever worked in a furniture factory you might have experienced what it's like to sew or stuff cushions, staple on outside arms, attach webbing or even sew in springs. In most upholstery factories there are departments and people rarely leave them. That is, if you've been given a job putting on the outside backs of sofas and chairs, you will generally do that job for years to come. Some people, though, have been reassigned to other areas of the factory and have, over years, learned to do every task in the place. If that's you, and you're now thinking of opening up your own upholstery shop, there are a few things you might need to know first.

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