
About Us
Since 1999, Vendio has helped merchants successfully sell online, reach more buyers, and grow their businesses. Over one million sellers have trusted Vendio to help them sell more than $15 billion in merchandise to nearly 300 million buyers.

Our partnership with sellers - helping them manage their businesses for profitability, manage inventory and sales on eBay and across the Web, merchandise more effectively, and streamline their operations to beat the competition - has enabled us to grow together and share in mutual success.

Vendio has grown from one of eBay's first developer partners into an award-winning innovator across the Web's leading marketplaces, recently celebrating our fifth continuous year of profitable growth.

Each service and solution we offer is tailored to build or enhance any e-commerce business regardless of size. Trust Vendio to continue providing Smart Services for Smart Sellers.

Please visit the website for more information.
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