
Home Based Businesses
Business Licenses and Permits


Legal Hurdles of Starting a Home-Based Business

Votes:19 Comments:0
Legal Hurdles of Starting a Home-Based Business StartupBizHub.com "Contrary to popular view, home-based businesses are not so simple to set-up. There are some things that you should consider first READ MORE

File Your DBA

Votes:25 Comments:0
File Your DBA Entrepreneur.com "If your sole proprietorship or partnership is going by a name other than your own, make sure you file it with the state." Please visit the website for the artic READ MORE

Business Zoning

Votes:12 Comments:0
Business Zoning Entrepreneur.com "Home is where the business is, and it's also where a lot of regulations are. Make sure you're actually allowed to have a business in your home before you start b READ MORE

Business Licenses and Permits

Votes:23 Comments:0
Business Licenses and Permits Entrepreneur.com "Compliance is key when starting a business. Find out which permits you need to obtain for your new venture." Please visit the website for the READ MORE
Business Licenses and Permits may be required if you start a home based business. Find out if you will need licenses or permits by contacting your city’s business license department.
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