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Cosmetology Schools - Alabama


H. Councill Trenholm State Technical College

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H. Councill Trenholm State Technical College P.O. Box 10048 Montgomery, Alabama 36108 Cosmetology Cosmetology is the study or art of cosmetics and its use. However, in the last 35 years, the wo READ MORE

Coastal Alabama Community College

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Alabama Southern Community College 900 Highway 31 South Bay Minette, Alabama 36507 800-381-3722 (Toll-Free) Cosmetology Cosmetology is learning and mastering skills for treating the skin, scalp READ MORE

J F Drake State Technical College

Votes:30 Comments:0
J F Drake State Technical College 3421 Meridian Street Huntsville, Alabama 35811 Phone 256.539.8161 Fax 256.539.6439 Salon and Spa Management- Cosmetology The Cosmetology Program combines cl READ MORE

Reid State Techncial College

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Reid State Technical College Cosmetology Department 251-578-1313 Shirely Johnson Ext. 139 The Cosmetology faculty is committed to providing Cosmetology education and training to students from di READ MORE

New Beginning College of Cosmetology

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New Beginning College of Cosmetology 509 Baltimore Avenue Albertville, AL 35950 T: 256-878-6430 What NBCC Teaches you in 1500 hours: We know some people ask "What does NBCC teach us in 1500 ho READ MORE

Pivot Point International Cosmetology School

Votes:26 Comments:0
Pivot Point International Cosmetology School (Corporate Headquarters) 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston, IL 60201 Telephone: 847-866-0500 or 800-886-4247 Fax: 847-866-7040 BEST CAREERS... Hairstyl READ MORE
Cosmetology Schools, Alabama: In order to work in or start a beauty salon business in Alabama, you need education and training; most cosmetology schools offer discounted beauty services performed by students enrolled in their school. Upon completing the required courses, students can work for an established beauty salon or be self employed and start a home business. Check out the Alabama listings in your area for education and training requirements, costs, and locations.
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