Go Freelance
Go Freelance

About Us
Connecting Freelancers and Employers to Get Jobs Done

Dear Fellow Freelancer

Doing business on the Internet can seem rather impersonal sometimes. Are there real people behind the site you are visiting, or is it all just bits, bytes and autoresponders?

Well, Go Freelance is a real site run by real working freelancers.

Since 1998, GoFreelance has been connecting freelance professionals with companies that need jobs done. From graphic design and web development, to programming, copywriting, article writing and much more, thousands of projects have been completed through our system.

We operate on a truly global scale, using the Internet to run operations that cross national boundaries worldwide. Indeed, we have members of the GoFreelance team on every continent, bringing a truly international perspective to the world of freelancing.

At GoFreelance, we believe that freelancing truly is the working method of the future. Freelancing frees professionals from the constraints of time and place, and allows them to build a successful, interesting and financially rewarding career working for many different clients.

For companies needing jobs done, using freelancers means greater flexibility and the chance to find exactly the right person for each project. It can also be a highly-cost effective way of getting work done.

We are committed to helping both clients and freelancers succeed. So we wish you all the best with your business endeavours, and hope that GoFreelance can help you achieve greater success in the future.

Freelance Work Exchange
45 Main Street
Ste. 309 #178
Brooklyn, New York, NY 11201

Ph: 61243676355
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