Home Business Start-up Guides

Home Business Start-up Guides

About Us
HomeBizTools is a focal point to help people find the work they love and turn it into income. For existing businesses, this site can help you acquire a competitive edge and move you towards greater profitability. It is a place to gather tools for success. A place where the average person can get the latest and greatest resources to create income at home.

Who's behind this site?
Brett Krkosska is the founder of HomeBizTools, a division of
B-K Publications. He works as a small business consultant and freelance writer. His syndicated business column, Straight Talk, is now carried on over 200 websites, and his work has been featured by Home Business Magazine, the National Business Association, All Freelance, and numerous other online publications.

Real world experience...

Brett brings a depth of understanding and knowledge that only comes from actual experience in the real business world.

"My entrepreneurial experience took a giant leap in 1990. The company I worked for at the time branched out and formed a new venture enterprise," says Brett. "I headed up operations for this new start-up company, and within one year of opening we surpassed $700,000 in annual sales. This experience was breath-taking - simply priceless in terms of hands-on entrepreneurship."

Brett is also a studio and touring musician, has worked as a financial editor for two print newspapers, and is a commodities trader in the futures market.

Consulting and Writing Services
Brett can work with you or your company for one-on-one consultation or for writing projects. Please make inquiries using our contact form.

Let us know how we can help you succeed...
This site is for you. If it helps you, let us know. If it doesn't, let us know. We welcome all comments and suggestions on how this site can be improved to serve you better.

The resources and opportunities presented here must pass rigorous scrutiny as legitimate and scam-free. Yet, even legitimate work at home opportunities can be lifeless at producing income.

Therefore, any product or service displayed here must also have marketable value, or it must significantly contribute to the revenue stream of your home business in some fashion. You will also find resources to save time (a precious commodity), and improve the quality of your home life.

After all, working from home is about producing revenue and improving the quality of your life.

Look at it this way, if you have the desire and motivation...then the tools and information found at this site can move you towards the business success and lifestyle you expect.

B-K Publications
P.O. Box 771464
Wichita, KS 67277

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