Home Based Businesses
Minority & Women-Owned Businesses


The Best Cities For Minority Entrepreneurs

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The Best Cities For Minority Entrepreneurs by Joel Kotkin 03/31/2011 Newgeography.com "As the American economy struggles to recover, its greatest advantage lies with its diverse population. The U READ MORE

Why Minority Entrepreneurs Matter In America

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Why Minority Entrepreneurs Matter In America By Maureen Farrell, 03.23.11, 06:00 PM EDT Forbes Magazine dated April 11, 2011 "Rene Diaz rode the Hispanic immigration wave to a $200 million food- READ MORE

6 Capital Funding Sources for Minority Businesses

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6 Capital Funding Sources for Minority Businesses By Carolyn M. Brown May 31, 2011 Inc. Magazine "Uncertain economic times and a tight credit environment call for creative, nontraditional financ READ MORE

Minority and Women Business Enterprises (MWBE) Certification

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Minority and Women Business Enterprises (MWBE) Certification Certification Overview Certification is a review process designed to ensure that a small business is actually owned, controlled, and READ MORE
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