Home Based Businesses
Jewelry, Accessories Direct Sales


Bella Shaye Opportunity

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Bella Shaye Opportunity Bella Shaye wants to give you something fresh and unique and appeal to women of all ages and lifestyles. We want to provide you fashion jewelry and accessories from the fun an READ MORE

Energetix Magnetic Jewelry Business Opportunity

Votes:10 Comments:0
Energetix Magnetic Jewelry Business Opportunity From zero to 55 million Euros in 5 years. Energetix GmbH in Bingen, Germany, specialising in the direct marketing of magnetic designer jewellery and READ MORE
Jewelry, Accessories Direct Sales: Many companies provide a direct sales business opportunity to individuals who want to operate their own home based business. Check out these opportunities if you want to turn your passion for jewelry into a home based business. Meet new people with host parties, set your own schedule, and be in control of your income potential.
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