Home Based Businesses
B Corporation


Should You Become a B Corp?

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Should You Become a B Corp? August 13, 2012 By Kelly Spors, Small Business Trends "When most businesses think about incorporating, they consider S corps, C corps or LLCs. But there's an emerging READ MORE

Dealing with Trust: Why the B-Corp Legislation Offers Business a Chance to be Go...

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Dealing with Trust: Why the B-Corp Legislation Offers Business a Chance to be Good Again February 24, 2012 By Aman Singh, Contributor Forbes Blog '"Benefit corporations," which take a triple b READ MORE

B Corporation

Votes:14 Comments:0
B Corporation "Certified B Corporations are a new type of corporation which uses the power of business to solve social and environmental problems." READ MORE

B Corps: The Next Generation of Company?

Votes:20 Comments:0
B Corps: The Next Generation of Company? June 11, 2012 By Catherine Gifford Entrepreneur Blog "Earlier this month, Louisiana became the first state in the South -- and the eighth across the na READ MORE
B Corporation
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