Home Based Businesses
Domain Name


Domain Names and Trademark Law

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Domain Names and Trademark Law by NOLO Bplans.com "In theory, choosing a domain name is simple. If it is memorable, pronounceable, short, clever, easily spelled and suggests the nature of the com READ MORE

How to Buy a URL

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How to Buy a URL By Inc. Staff Dec 1, 2008 "Here are 5 tips on finding and obtaining the rights to a good domain name." Visit the website for the article. Copyright 2011 Mansueto Ventures READ MORE

Is Your Domain Name Killing Your Business?

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Is Your Domain Name Killing Your Business? By Jodi Mardesich Inc.Technology "Was the name of your company taken in the dot-com world? Or did you add a hyphen or change an "s" to a "z" at the end READ MORE

Choose the Right Domain Name

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Choose the Right Domain Name By Jon Rognerud | January 13, 2009 Entrepreneur.com "It's going to be your identity in cyberspace, so make sure it's a name you can live with." Visit the web READ MORE

Domain Names, things to consider when choosing a domain name

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Domain Names, things to consider when choosing a domain name WebWorkshop.net "Choosing the right domain name for a website is important in several ways. One is branding, another is search engine r READ MORE
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