Home Based Businesses
Genealogical Research Business


Association of Professional Genealogists - Code of Ethics

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Code of Ethics Association of Professional Genealogists Please visit the website for the code. READ MORE

National Genealogical Society Online Courses

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Online Courses National Genealogical Society AGS Series Overview The American Genealogical Studies series of courses were designed to give family history researchers easy access to courses that p READ MORE

Code of Ethics and Conduct - Board of Certification of Genealogists

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Code of Ethics and Conduct Board of Certification of Genealogists "Each individual seeking certification signs the Genealogist’s Code, a pledge to act in every way to protect the public, clients ( READ MORE

Genealogy.com: Genealogy Courses

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Genealogy Courses Genealogy.com Lessons cover Beginning Genealogy, Internet Genealogy, Tracing Immigrant Origins, and researching with Genealogy.com. Each topic includes multiple lessons. READ MORE


Votes:19 Comments:0
Ancestry.com A great place to start tracing a family tree; many other resources available including a Learning Center. Some resources require registration. READ MORE

Genealogy Gateway

Votes:24 Comments:0
Genealogy Gateway Use the menu on the left side of the page to access genealogy for specific segments....American, DNA, Family, Irish, Scottish, and more. READ MORE

How To Become a Professional Genealogist

Votes:30 Comments:0
How To Become a Professional Genealogist By Kimberly Powell ThoughtCo. "Do you think that the genealogical profession is one that you will enjoy? Follow these simple steps to see if you have the READ MORE
Start a genealogical research business to help families trace their ancestry. There are thousands of resources available online to help you succeed.
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