Home Based Businesses
Consulting Businesses


So You Want to Be a Consultant

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So You Want to Be a Consultant By: Lesley Spencer Pyle 10/25/2010 Women Entrepreneur Magazine "Here are a few things you should consider before taking the plunge." Visit the website for the a READ MORE

The Tradeoffs of Returning to a Home Office

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The Tradeoffs of Returning to a Home Office By Inc. Staff Jul 1, 2009 "An independent consultant wonders if she should trade in her office space for a virtual home office" Visit the website f READ MORE

How to Land Your First Client

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How to Land Your First Client By Michael W. McLaughlin BusinesKnowHow.com "Summary: It's not surprising that consulting is attractive to many people who want to launch a business. After all, if y READ MORE

Consulting fee rates | Consultant fees

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Consulting fee rates | Consultant fees May 26, 2006 Consultant Journal "Consulting fees, consulting fees…How do you set consulting fees? Here's a guide to setting consulting fee rates. (It's al READ MORE

Becoming an independent consultant

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Becoming an independent consultant 26 Jun, 2010 Consultant Journal "Becoming an independent consultant can dominate your thoughts, if you're looking for a change. Becoming an indie consultant oft READ MORE

Benefits to Becoming A Consultant

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Benefits to Becoming A Consultant By C.J. Hayden, Mcc Home Business Magazine "When Times Get Tough and Jobs Dry Up, Do What Millions Do" Visit the website for the rest of the article. © C READ MORE

Don't Sell Your Services; That's Not What People Buy

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Don't Sell Your Services; That's Not What People Buy by Tessa Stowe HomeBizTools.com "Believe it or not, no one actually buys your service. No one buys coaching. No one buys consulting. No one bu READ MORE

Steps for Breaking Into and Succeeding in Consulting

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Steps for Breaking Into and Succeeding in Consulting by Jennie S. Bev HomeBizTools.com "Management consulting is one of the professions that endure in a slow economy. Why? Because more than ever, READ MORE
Discover the many different consulting businesses you can start as a home-based business.
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