Home Based Businesses
Manufacturer\'s Representative


Manufacturers Rep Business - Running a Successful Manufacturer's Rep Business

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Manufacturers Rep Business - Running a Successful Manufacturer's Rep Business Manufacturers-representatives.org "Even if you are a one-person agency, it needs to be run like a business." Visit READ MORE

The Lonely Manufacturers Rep

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The Lonely Manufacturers Rep Frank Ross April 25, 2006 The Home Based Business Blog "Yesterday I posted about Wholesale Merchandise Marts but didn't say much about the people who work there - t READ MORE

Starting an Agency

Votes:12 Comments:0
Starting an Agency MANA Online Mission MANA is the association of interdependent manufacturers and representatives dedicated to educating, protecting and promoting the multi-line, outsourced sale READ MORE

Starting a Business as a Manufacturer's Rep

Votes:3 Comments:0
Starting a Business as a Manufacturer's Rep By Paul and Sarah Edwards May 10, 2004 Entrepreneur.com "If you're a top seller and have years of experience under your belt, going independent as a READ MORE
Manufacturer's Representative
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