Home Based Businesses
Pooper-Scooper Service


How I Became a Professional Pooper-Scooper

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How I Became a Professional Pooper-Scooper by Matthew Osborn HomeBizTools.com Demographics and social trends point to an accelerating demand for personal services for busy professionals and exe READ MORE

Starting a Pooper Scooper Service

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Starting a Pooper Scooper Service By Tammie Peters Petbusinesscentral.com Pooper scooper businesses are being established almost everywhere throughout Canada and the United States. The low sta READ MORE

Starting a Pooper Scooper Business: The Inside Scoop

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Starting a Pooper Scooper Business: The Inside Scoop Workingwithpets.com Today’s article is by guest author Tammie Peters. A professional pooper scooper service involves cleaning up and remov READ MORE

Starting a Pooper Scooper Service

Votes:29 Comments:1
Starting a Pooper Scooper Service By Tammie Peters PetBusinessCentral.com Pooper scooper businesses are being established almost everywhere throughout Canada and the United States. The low sta READ MORE

Starting a Pooper Scooper Business—A Step-By-Step Guide

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Starting a Pooper Scooper Business—A Step-By-Step Guide Statistics show that the pet industry is booming. According to the APPMA (American Pet Products Manufacturers Association) there are pets i READ MORE

Pooper-Scooper Service - Entrepreneur.com

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Pooper-Scooper Service Entrepreneur.com Business Overview Believe it or not, you can make a very comfortable living by starting and operating a doggie pooper-scooper service in your community. READ MORE
Pooper-Scooper Service: Pet owners spend millions of dollars on pet care and services. Check out how to start a pooper-scooper business; it can be quite lucrative.
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