Home Based Businesses


Best Budget Marketing Tool ... Is You

Votes:8 Comments:0
Best Budget Marketing Tool ... Is You December 21, 2012 By Matthew Shampine, Inc.com "Squeezed by a tight marketing budget? Use this smart trick to put your brand on the map." READ MORE

Small Business Marketing on a Shoestring - Online Course

Votes:17 Comments:0
Small Business Marketing on a Shoestring Ed2go.com "Discover small business marketing strategies that can help you attract attention, woo your target audience, grow your customer base, and expand READ MORE

How to Keep Your Marketing Rolling While You're on Vacation

Votes:38 Comments:0
How to Keep Your Marketing Rolling While You're on Vacation By Gail Goodman June 23, 2011 Entrepreneur Magazine "Follow these seven tips to manage your campaigns while you take a well-earned b READ MORE

Cutting Edge Marketing Ideas

Votes:21 Comments:0
Cutting Edge Marketing Ideas by Lisa Magloff, Demand Media The Houston Chronicle "As more and more businesses compete for the same customers, marketing becomes ever more important. At the same ti READ MORE

Monthly Marketing Ideas

Votes:13 Comments:0
Monthly Marketing Ideas by Jade Balle, Demand Media The Houston Chronicle "Marketing is the process of making decisions regarding your product, price, promotion and the place where you sell your READ MORE

Give to Get Marketing

Votes:39 Comments:0
Give to Get Marketing By Joe Gracia "Get a free marketing idea-kit plus hundreds of direct marketing ideas, tips, case studies, tutorials and tips for home based or traditional businesses." READ MORE

Small Business Database Marketing

Votes:37 Comments:0
Small Business Database Marketing Contact Marketing Solutions Ltd Extensive advice on email, text, and customer data marketing. Visit the website to learn more. READ MORE

Free Small Business Marketing Information

Votes:31 Comments:0
Free Small Business Marketing Information By Andrew Sokol "Involved in business marketing? This is your website." Visit the website for the tips. READ MORE

10 Common--and Effective--Emotional Triggers

Votes:6 Comments:0
10 Common--and Effective--Emotional Triggers By Susan Gunelius March 2, 2010 Entrepreneur.com "Spur potential customers into action by using these cues in your marketing campaign." Visit t READ MORE

Build Buzz With a Business Blog

Votes:16 Comments:0
Build Buzz With a Business Blog By Susan Gunelius: Marketing Communications June 24, 2010 Entrepreneur.com "9 strategies for generating word-of-mouth publicity and marketing success" Visit t READ MORE

On a Tight Budget? How to Land a Client

Votes:28 Comments:0
On a Tight Budget? How to Land a Client By EMILY MALTBY Wall Street Journal "It's a common conundrum for business owners when sales aren't pouring in. To get more customers, you need to market an READ MORE

Put Your Customers to Work for You

Votes:28 Comments:0
Put Your Customers to Work for You By Jennifer Lawler Entrepreneur Magazine - July 2010 "Client referral incentives can be a valuable and inexpensive way to build a business." Visit the we READ MORE

Look Good Online

Votes:8 Comments:0
Look Good Online By John Jantsch Entrepreneur Magazine - December 2008 "The only way to control what people say about your company is to be part of the conversation." Visit the website for READ MORE

Capture Clients with Words That "Hook" and Graphics That "Kick!"

Votes:10 Comments:0
Capture Clients with Words That "Hook" and Graphics That "Kick!" by Karen Saunders, MacGraphics Services HomeBizTools.com "Do the marketing pieces you send out lack pizzazz and personality? Are t READ MORE

9 Touch Points of Effective Marketing

Votes:26 Comments:0
9 Touch Points of Effective Marketing by Angee Robertson HomeBizTools.com "Every successful marketing campaign MUST reach the prospect at these 9 Touch Points to avoid the most common and costly READ MORE

10 Dynamic Ways To Get Low-Cost, High-Return Advertising

Votes:13 Comments:0
10 Dynamic Ways To Get Low-Cost, High-Return Advertising By Brett Krkosska HomeBizTools.com "You get what you pay for. That's the adage. Is it possible to put this old saying on the shelf and fin READ MORE

Dynamic Marketing: Seven High-Powered Success Strategies

Votes:13 Comments:0
Dynamic Marketing: Seven High-Powered Success Strategies By Brett Krkosska HomeBizTools.com "Marketing is about results. Key to achieving results is your ability to be adaptive and forward-thinki READ MORE

How to Write a Marketing Plan

Votes:26 Comments:0
How to Write a Marketing Plan By Darren Dahl Feb 16, 2010 Inc. Magazine "Experts know that careful planning is integral to marketing success. Here's your guide to crafting a thorough marketing p READ MORE

How to Market to Gen X and Gen Y

Votes:27 Comments:0
How to Market to Gen X and Gen Y January 5, 2009 By Christopher Bachler Home Business Magazine "At no time in American history have demographics changed so dramatically. We hear much about the READ MORE

6 Essential Tips for Ads That Get Results

Votes:21 Comments:0
6 Essential Tips for Ads That Get Results By Kim T. Gordon Entrepreneur's StartUps June 2009 "You don't need money to create a memorable message." Please visit the website for the articl READ MORE

Your Message: From a Whisper to a Scream

Votes:12 Comments:0
Your Message: From a Whisper to a Scream By Gwen Moran Entrepreneur's StartUps June 2009 "Check out these low-cost marketing ideas for your new business." Please visit the website for th READ MORE

3 Steps to the Right Marketing Mix

Votes:28 Comments:0
3 Steps to the Right Marketing Mix By Kim T. Gordon Entrepreneur's StartUps October 2009 "How to create a marketing mix that will get your business off to a flying start." Visit the webs READ MORE

Are You Building Online Customer Communities?

Votes:33 Comments:0
Are You Building Online Customer Communities? By Jim Blasingame Entrepreneur's StartUps October 2009 "The Small Business Answer Man Jim Blasingame answers your questions." Visit the web READ MORE

More Buck Than Bang

Votes:25 Comments:0
More Buck Than Bang By Geoff Williams Entrepreneur's StartUps October 2009 "Don't waste your startup funds on marketing tactics that cost more than they're worth." Please visit the websi READ MORE

Seven Tips for Marketing Your Home-Based Business

Votes:10 Comments:0
Seven Tips for Marketing Your Home-Based Business AllBusiness.com "Here are seven tips designed to help home-business owners advertise and market effectively" Please visit the website for the a READ MORE

How Can I Use Search Engine Optimization Marketing to Promote My Business?

Votes:15 Comments:0
How Can I Use Search Engine Optimization Marketing to Promote My Business? AllBusiness.com "How can I use search engine optimization and search engine marketing to promote my business?" Please READ MORE

Marketing from A to Z

Votes:9 Comments:0
Marketing from A to Z by Mike Collins Dance Teacher Magazine "Easy and inexpensive ways to spread the word about your business" Mike Collins is president of The Perfect Workday Company and a c READ MORE

Target Moms' Buying Power

Votes:36 Comments:0
Target Moms' Buying Power By Kim T. Gordon June 02, 2009 Entrepreneur.com "Learn the top 5 ways to maximize sales from this enormous market." Please visit the website for the article. READ MORE

Get Free or Low-Cost Publicity

Votes:13 Comments:0
Get Free or Low-Cost Publicity By Margie Zable Fisher June 22, 2009 Entrepreneur.com "Like most people, I like to save money. That' s why I offer so many "do-it-yourself public relations" produ READ MORE

Misleading Marketing Copy

Votes:32 Comments:0
Misleading Marketing Copy By Susan Gunelius January 08, 2008 Entrepreneur.com "You may be tempted to use them, but avoid these phrases in your advertising and marketing materials." Please READ MORE

How to Promote a Website, Online and Off in 21 Ways

Votes:18 Comments:0
How to Promote a Website, Online and Off in 21 Ways March 29, 2006 Entrepreneur.com "These 21 tips will help you get the word out about your e-business." Visit the web site for the article. READ MORE

23 Hours to a Great Marketing Plan

Votes:4 Comments:0
23 Hours to a Great Marketing Plan By Gwen Moran Entrepreneur's StartUps June 2006 Entrepreneur.com "While some entrepreneurs crow that they have achieved success without a marketing plan, READ MORE

Goodbye, Retainers

Votes:29 Comments:0
Goodbye, Retainers By: Stephanie Clifford October 2006 Inc.com "Pay as you go with results-based PR." Visit the web site to learn more. Copyright © 2011 Mansueto Ventures LLC. All rights READ MORE

How to Promote a Website with these 15 Sites

Votes:32 Comments:0
How to Promote a Website with these 15 Sites By Kristin Edelhauser February 15, 2007 Entrepreneur.com "Want to get your name out to locals and visitors alike? Take advantage of these online mar READ MORE

5 Cheap Ways to Market Your Business

Votes:5 Comments:0
5 Cheap Ways to Market Your Business By Susan LaPlante-Dube May 17, 2005 Entrepreneur.com "Think you can't afford to implement any effective marketing tactics? Think again. Here are five way READ MORE

3 Word-of-Mouth Marketing Tactics

Votes:11 Comments:0
3 Word-of-Mouth Marketing Tactics By Kim T. Gordon Entrepreneur Magazine December 2006 "And as a marketing method, it's downright unbeatable. Get customers to spread the word about your bus READ MORE

Advertising a Startup Business : Get Started!

Votes:12 Comments:0
Advertising a Startup Business : Get Started! StartUpNation.com "Few startup businesses do much advertising in the early going. Advertising a startup can seem expensive and many entrepreneurs aren READ MORE

Develop a Strategic Marketing Plan

Votes:20 Comments:0
Develop a Strategic Marketing Plan StartUpNation.com "Strategic marketing plans aren't just for big businesses - we outline keys to develop a strategic marketing plan and use it to run your busine READ MORE

5 Ways to Kill a Great Marketing Plan

Votes:36 Comments:0
5 Ways to Kill a Great Marketing Plan By Brad Sugars December 19, 2008 Entrepreneur.com "Are your marketing campaigns too creative? Here's what separates a marketing plan that works from one READ MORE

Give Web Users What They Really Want

Votes:11 Comments:0
Give Web Users What They Really Want By Jay Conrad Levinson September 08, 2008 Entrepreneur.com "Most people go online with a goal in mind. Learn to capitalize on their habits." Please visit READ MORE

What Marketing Is and Is Not

Votes:35 Comments:0
What Marketing Is and Is Not By Jay Conrad Levinson July 07, 2008 Entrepreneur.com "Knowing the difference is the first step in creating a successful campaign." Please visit the website for READ MORE

How to Spend Your Ad Dollars

Votes:40 Comments:0
How to Spend Your Ad Dollars By Roy H. Williams February 03, 2003 Entrepreneur.com "A good mix of mass media and online advertising can help you find new customers." Please visit the webs READ MORE

Calculating Your Ad Budget

Votes:8 Comments:0
Calculating Your Ad Budget By Roy H. Williams Entrepreneur.com "Before you pour money into advertising, figure out exactly how much you should spend." Please visit the website for the articl READ MORE

Selecting the Most Effective Advertising Media

Votes:13 Comments:0
Selecting the Most Effective Advertising Media By Roy H. Williams October 06, 2003 Entrepreneur.com "How can you tell if your ads are reaching the right audience and generating the best resp READ MORE

Building a Successful Advertising Plan

Votes:18 Comments:0
Building a Successful Advertising Plan By Roy H. Williams May 10, 2004 Entrepreneur.com "Before you can advertise effectively, you need to answer these important questions." Please visit READ MORE

Low-Cost Advertising Basics

Votes:24 Comments:0
Low-Cost Advertising Basics By Kimberly Stansell Entrepreneur.com "Get the most for your advertising dollars using these guidelines." Please visit the website for the article. Headquarter READ MORE

Get Your Message Out--On a Shoestring

Votes:29 Comments:0
Get Your Message Out--On a Shoestring By Roy H. Williams April 12, 2004 Entrepreneur.com "4 easy ways to create a successful advertising plan without spending a bundle" Please visit the w READ MORE

A Marketing Tool That's Obvious, Overlooked and Cheap

Votes:40 Comments:0
A Marketing Tool That's Obvious, Overlooked and Cheap By Pattie Simone October 27, 2008 Entrepreneur.com "Use superior service as a thrifty and effective in-house marketing mechanism." Pl READ MORE

Targeted Marketing Gets Intelligent

Votes:12 Comments:0
Targeted Marketing Gets Intelligent By Dennis Romero October 30, 2008 Entrepreneur.com "Advertisers ride a brain wave called neuromarketing. But is it for real?" Please visit the website READ MORE

4 Small Business Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Votes:14 Comments:0
4 Small Business Marketing Mistakes to Avoid Morebusiness.com Published October 28, 2008 "Great marketing is what allows someone to sell a 50-cent cup of coffee for $5.00 and have people lined up READ MORE

Home Business Marketing Tips

Votes:17 Comments:0
Home Business Marketing Tips by Janet Attard Updated March 12, 2119 BusinessKnowHow.com "Need customers for your home business? Wondering what successful home businesses do that you're not doin READ MORE
A marketing program is essential for getting the word out about your home based business. Check out tips on coming up with an advertising budget, advertising program, and how to use online digital marketing, e-mail marketing, Internet marketing, direct mail marketing, and fusion or guerilla marketing.
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