Home Based Businesses
Home Based Business Ideas


Advertising Business9
Alteration & Sewing Service7
Answering Service Business7
Arts & Crafts Business20
Auto Detailing Business8
Balloon Business6
Beauty & Hair Salon Business1
Bed & Breakfast7
Bicycle Repair Business4
Business Support Services4
Cake Decorating Business6
Catering Service Business4
Child Services3
Chimney Sweep Business3
Cleaning Businesses6
Coaching Businesses3
Computer Businesses
Consulting Businesses9
Coupon Business5
Courier or Delivery Service8
Dance Instructor Business5
Debt Collection Service2
Direct Mail Advertising4
Disk Jockey Service2
Domain Name Broker1
Doula Service5
Errand Service Business4
Etiquette Consultant1
Event or Party Planning Business9
Face Painting Business5
Finance-Related Businesses4
Food Critic / Writing Business10
Food Delivery Business5
Foreclosure Cleanup Business8
Garage and Yard Sales Business6
Genealogical Research Business7
Gift Basket Business9
Grafiiti Removal Business9
Green Business Ideas10
Greeting Card Business5
Home Improvement Businesses4
Home Inspection Business5
Home Staging & Redesign Services7
House Sitting Business9
Import/Export Business8
Interior Design/Decorating Business5
Internet Researcher Service4
Jewelry Design Business5
Judgment Recovery Business7
Lawn Care & Lanscaping Business8
Manufacturer's Representative4
Medical Services Business8
Motivational Speaking8
Mystery Shopping Business9
Nanny Placement or Nanny Service2
Network Marketing Business10
Organic Gardening/Farming15
Paralegal Services Business3
Personal Chef Business2
Personal Concierge/Shopper Business6
Personal Training Business4
Pet Businesses3
Photography Business11
Private Investigator Business9
Professional Clown Business1
Professional Organizer Business11
Real Estate Businesses4
Recruiting Business4
Recycling Businesses5
Scrapbooking Business11
Temporary Employment Agency4
Translation Business7
Travel Agent Business8
Tutoring Business10
Upholstery Business4
Vending Business1
Videography Business2
Virtual Assistant Business6
Web Businesseses2
Wedding Services7
Weekend Entrepreneurs4
Writing Businesses21
Yoga Instructor Business2

15 "Spring" Home-Based Businesses

Votes:20 Comments:0
15 "Spring" Home-Based Businesses By Priscilla Y. Huff 04/28/2012 Home Business Magazine 'While many people "Think Spring" in the later winter months, looking forward to warmer days, and vacatio READ MORE

Small Business Ideas!

Votes:9 Comments:0
Small Business Ideas! By Judy Stokes Are you one of the many thousands dreaming of starting a small business and looking for small business ideas? Are your dreams on hold because you don't know READ MORE

Turn Your Idea into a Business

Votes:3 Comments:0
Turn Your Idea into a Business By Annie Finnigan. Posted August 24, 2011. Woman's Day; October 1, 2011 "Cash in on your light bulb moment with this step-by-step guide" Visit the website for READ MORE

The 12 Steps to Home Based Business Success

Votes:22 Comments:0
The 12 Steps to Home Based Business Success HomeBased.org A step-by-step guide achieving success in a home based business. Visit the website for the article. Copyright © 2011 Home-Based.o READ MORE

How to Open a Home-Based Business

Votes:30 Comments:0
How to Open a Home-Based Business by Rick Suttle, Demand Media The Houston Chronicle Visit the website for step-by-step suggestions. READ MORE

50+ Business Start-Ups in a Recession

Votes:19 Comments:0
50+ Business Start-Ups in a Recession April 18, 2011 Home Business Magazine Ideas are everywhere. Your imagination and dreams can carry you into a most successful home-based business, in spite READ MORE

15 Home Business Ideas for the Recession

Votes:16 Comments:0
15 Home Business Ideas for the Recession September 7, 2010 by admin Women Home Business Here are some types of home-based businesses that thrive during an economic downturns and present oppo READ MORE

When That Crazy Idea Hits, Run With It

Votes:11 Comments:0
When That Crazy Idea Hits, Run With It By: Julie Hall | 07/14/2010 Women Entrepreneur Magazine At 28, Julie Hall knew her entrepreneurial time had come. Here's how she did it. READ MORE

Home Based Business Ideas

Votes:24 Comments:0
Home Based Business Ideas Home Based Business Opportunities There are endless ideas to start a HBB. However, for an idea to be successful, it has to meet certain objectives and requirements. Jus READ MORE

Secrets To Successfully Starting Your Own Business

Votes:13 Comments:0
Secrets To Successfully Starting Your Own Business Hoover Web Design The American Dream is, and always will be, to come up with an idea, start a business and become rich from your own efforts. B READ MORE

Will Your Idea Fly?

Votes:4 Comments:0
Will Your Idea Fly? By SARAH E. NEEDLEMAN Wall Street Journal Small Business If you are financially motivated to launch a business, you may be tempted to simply jump in. But experts recommend t READ MORE

How to Refine Your Business Idea

Votes:20 Comments:0
How to Refine Your Business Idea By Carolyn Brown Aug 6, 2010 Inc.com Even a good business idea might not be financially workable. Here's how you can determine if your product or service is a READ MORE

Bank on an Idea: Carpool Websites

Votes:21 Comments:0
Bank on an Idea: Carpool Websites By Lindsay Holloway Entrepreneur Magazine - April 2009 "To save money, riders and drivers are looking for each other. Whether carpooling to save money, the e READ MORE

Top 10 Home Business Opportunities

Votes:30 Comments:0
Top 10 Home Business Opportunities By Susan Ward, About.com Guide The Best Home Business Opportunities Now And Tomorrow Are you one of the many people searching for a hot home business opportun READ MORE

Home Business Guide

Votes:33 Comments:0
Home Business Guide Get home business ideas, marketing strategies and home business advice to work from home. READ MORE

A Light-Bulb Moment

Votes:4 Comments:0
A Light-Bulb Moment March 20, 2010 Home Business Magazine Watching Son Inspires Pediatrician to Create an Educational Mat and More It was a "light-bulb moment" for Dr. Jennifer Canter, ped READ MORE

Businesses You Can Start at Home

Votes:4 Comments:0
Businesses You Can Start at Home By Lesley Spencer Pyle April 07, 2010 Entrepreneur Magazine When it comes to selling products and services, the best home business is one that fits your in READ MORE

9 Businesses You Can Start In Your Pajamas in 2010

Votes:40 Comments:0
9 Businesses You Can Start In Your Pajamas in 2010 Inc.com Slideshow See how 9 people started their own home-based business. READ MORE

Turn Passion Into Money

Votes:4 Comments:0
Turn Passion Into Money By Jennifer Wang June 01, 2009 Entrepreneur.com These entrepreneurs turned their hobbies into businesses. Learn how you can, too. At the age of 19, Tommy Dement READ MORE

Budding entrepreneurs race against time to pitch business ideas

Votes:10 Comments:0
Budding entrepreneurs race against time to pitch business ideas Business First of Columbus by Scott Rawdon For Business First It never occurred to Leslie Mack that one weekend could change her READ MORE

11 Home Based Businesses You Can Start In Your Pajamas in 2009

Votes:39 Comments:0
11 Home Based Businesses You Can Start In Your Pajamas in 2009 Inc.com For the above entrepreneurs, wearing pajamas for a day at the office isn't far from reality. From pet care to virtual assista READ MORE

How To Find A Business Idea

Votes:7 Comments:0
How To Find A Business Idea Written by James Garvin for Gaebler Ventures Trying to figure out what kind of business to start can be a dangerous way to go about actually starting a business. Very READ MORE

How to Research Your Business Idea

Votes:29 Comments:0
How to Research Your Business Idea By Karen E. Spaeder Entrepreneur Magazine Your brilliant idea may indeed be brilliant--or it may need some work. Here's how to find out whether you're ready READ MORE

10 Best Home Based Businesses That Makes You Money

Votes:25 Comments:0
10 Best Home Based Businesses That Makes You Money By Michael Tveter EzineArticles.com Do you want a list of the greatest money makers for an online home based business? Well, in this following READ MORE

The Top 25 Home-Based Business Ideas

Votes:15 Comments:0
The Top 25 Home-Based Business Ideas Allbusiness.com "If you are thinking about starting your own home-based business, the available options can be overwhelming. However, there are many tried and READ MORE
Home Based Businesses: Explore business ideas and opportunities for a home based business. Look at franchise opportunities, licensing opportunities, direct sales or multi level marketing opportunities, wholesale or distributor opportunities, and vending opportunities. Peruse the top business ideas that can be started or performed in a home based business. Find ideas like a blogging business, desktop publishing business, direct mail business, errand service business, face painting business, lawn care business, or medical service business. Consider a mystery shopping business, professional organizer business, tutoring business, beauty salon business, home inspection business, interior design business, jewelry design business, photography business, or travel agency business.
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